host the figures and landscapes

Imaginal Encounters

If you are stuck drifting in a flat or colorless daily life or have a sense that there’s something more that you just can’t quite grasp, you’ve come to the right place. Together, we can help you to…

·Create a bridge between the vibrancy of your dreaming world and the waking world
·Experience a profound relationship with your dream figures
·Create a renewed sense of aliveness in waking life

If you experience disturbing, recurring dreams or nightmares, we can work together to:

·Set boundaries with the dream figures
·Unlock new meaning from the nightmares, thereby de-escalating
the disturbance and fear
·Re-experience the figures from a safe distance, and watch them transform from frightening to ally

"To tend a dream is not to interpret a dream, nor is it to really analyze a dream, but to be present with a dream, to allow the dream itself to open, to reveal, to come to life, so that the images themselves can come forward, take shape, have body, move in their activity and to present the knowledge, and the wisdom, and the teachings that are inherent to each of these characters, or motifs that are located in the dream."  

Stephen Aizenstat, PhD.

Dreamwork sessions are guided via the Dream Tending approach (as developed by Stephen Aizenstat, PhD) with Focusing (developed by Eugene Gendlin, PhD.) and somatic-oriented approaches woven in as well. They are also grounded in a weight-inclusive perspective.

In Dream Tending, the work is not so much to analyze a dream or mine it for meaning (though often deep meaning emerges on its own) as to walk all the way around it, discovering as we do the ways a dream’s details relate to the details of our lives. We form relationships with, and learn from, the figures and landscapes of our dreams, bringing them into the present and listening for what they have to teach us. Even the nightmarish, the horrific figures have something to share. In Dream Tending we host these images, with safety and support, in order to learn from them.

what to expect

The initial dreamwork session is 90 minutes, provided virtually. Follow-up dreamwork sessions are 60 minutes. The cost is $120 for the initial 90-minute session and $90 for follow-up/additional 60-minute sessions. Dreamers can expect to be guided through a dream or image they bring to session and to leave with a way to ‘dream the dream forward’ via a home practice. Dreamers will receive one follow-up email approximately a week following the session. Dreamwork is best done in 2 or more sessions, but standalone sessions can be scheduled.

Dreamwork sessions are not clinical, meaning they are not meant as a substitute or replacement for therapy services. They can be a helpful adjunct to the work you are already doing with a qualified therapist. If you are looking for dream-focused therapy, please review the description and schedule here. Dream work sessions are not available to former or current clients.

To schedule a dreamwork session, please visit my Picktime calendar.
Read/sign the Dreamwork consent form here: DREAMWORK CONSENT FORM
Feel free to email me with any questions you may have.